The most common activity before bed is watching TV. 睡觉前最常见的活动是看电视。
The common problems and improvement measures of circular fluid bed boiler operation and adjustment 循环流化床锅炉运行调整中的常见问题及改进措施
Common Problem's Analysis and Treatment During Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Startup 循环流化床锅炉在启动过程中常见的问题分析与处理
He was built as powerfully as a bull and it was common knowledge that he was so generously endowed by nature that his martyred wife feared the marriage bed as unbelievers once feared the rack. 他长得象头公牛一样强悍。人所共知,他是如此充分天生,以至于他遭受巨大折磨的妻子惧怕婚床就象异教徒曾经惧怕刑架一样。
Step time changes are the first and most common method of simulated moving bed tuning. 改变步进时间,是最首要最常用的调整模拟移动床的方法。
The most common form of lathe is the turret lathe it consists of a horizontal bed supporting the headstock, the carriage and the turret. 最常见的车床形式是以图解方式显示的六角车床,它由一个支承床头箱、拖板和六角刀架的水平床身组成。
The common bed does not have the function of one object with multipurpose and has a big ground occupation area. 普通的床不具备一物多用的功能,占地面积大。
A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. 一种十分常见的水成岩叫油页岩,他是一种很软的岩石,很明显是因为被压积在海底而后形成的。
It is common to see the hard side of your air bed insert sitting down inside your frame. 是很常见的硬盘旁边的空气床插入坐下来在您的框架。
How common is sleeping on a bed in japan? 在日本睡床很普遍吗?
The most common wrong strategy is this: You assume that if you're going to get up earlier, you'd better go to bed earlier. 通常的错误方法是这样的:你假设你自己会早点起来,你对自己说你最好早点睡觉。
It is quite common for two men to ride together in a huge truck, one man driving while the other sleeps on a comfortable bed behind the driver. 经常是两个人同开一辆大货车,一个开车,另一个就在他座后的一张舒适的床上睡觉。
"Thunderstorm anxiety" is common among dogs, and some dogs tremble with fear under the owner's bed during thunderstorms. 对于犬类很常见,有些犬在雷雨时会因为害怕而躲在主人床底下发抖。
The purpose of the whole esophageal resection, left common carotid transesophageal Zuoxiong a bed of esophageal stomach and neck in the treatment effect of esophageal cancer. 探讨次全食管切除、左胸左颈经食管床胃&食管颈部吻合术治疗食管癌疗效观察。
A common hypocenter of the explosion located under the water-bearing bed can excites stronger S waves. 结果表明,利用普通钻井爆炸震源,震源位于含水层以下,能够激发出较强的S波。
In chapter 2, it introduces the basic principle of value engineering and the main task and looks the common work procedure of value engineering as the direction to rebuild the water-resistance load test bed. 第二章介绍了价值工程的基本原理以及水阻试验的主要任务,水阻试验台微机化技术改造整个过程以价值工程的一般工作程序为设计指导原则。
The Common Way of Construction Laying-out of the River Bed Hydropower Station 河床式水电站施工放样方法
The most common inducement of pulmonary infection is cold, then long term hypnotic usage, diabetes mellitus, long term bed ridden, and staying in ICU. 肺部感染最常见的诱因是受凉,其次是长期使用安眠药、糖尿病、长期卧床、住监护病房等。
Operation principle and common trouble-overhaul of ATA-IID traction bed ATA-IID型自动牵引床工作原理及常见故障检修
Application of the reverse design and construction method with a common integration theory of superstructure, foundation bed and foundation work 上部结构、地基和基础共同作用理论在逆作法设计与施工中的应用
The common problems such as element block, corrosion and bed sagging in use of fiber mist eliminator are discussed and some solutions are proposed. 对当前硫酸厂在使用纤维除雾器的过程中所遇到的堵塞、腐蚀、纤维塌陷等问题进行探讨并提出相应的解决方法。
This paper introduces the characteristics of lime stable soil bed and reasons of its high strength and analyzes the causes of common faults of lime stable soil bed and provides disposal methods accordingly. 本文介绍了石灰稳定土的特点及强度形成原理,并由此分析了石灰稳定土基层几种常见病害的形成原因及防治措施。
A forming die for frame serial side rails of Jie fang light truck series is designed by using a common die bed and some traditional constructions have been improved. 采用通用模架结构,设计出解放系列轻型载货汽车的系列纵梁成型模,并对传统结构进行了一些改进。
82 cases of posterior occipital or transverse position were divided into two groups, 46 cases with new type lateral prostration bed pad into experiment group, other 36 cases in traditional common bed pad. 随机将82例枕后(横)位产妇分为两组,实验组46例用侧俯卧势床垫,对照组36例用传统普通床垫。
Medical insurance type and whether or not using antibiotics are the common influencing factors for the chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer patients 'hospital bed days and hospital costs. 其中医疗保障类型及是否使用抗生素是慢性乙型病毒性肝炎、乙肝肝硬化和肝癌患者住院床日数及住院费用的共同影响因素,出院转归没有共同影响因素。